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BridgePoint Offers Funding Alternatives for Law Firms

October 6, 2016

BridgePoint Financial Services Inc. provides disbursement financing to law firms to help lawyers grow their practices, fund expert reports required to validate their clients’ files and maximize compensation for their losses, says co-founder John Rossos.

“Traditional sources of financing, including banks which have fixed lending criteria, do not understand the business of personal injury law; and do not offer law firms a reliable source of operating capital,” he tells "This puts considerable financial pressure on personal injury law firms.

“Unlike other lenders, BridgePoint understands the value of a law firms’ work in progress, and the correlation between disbursements invested today and fees realized tomorrow. The company has designed a variety of flexible disbursement financing alternatives to help law firms grow their practices with the judicious use of the firm’s own capital.”

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BridgePoint Offers Funding Alternatives for Law Firms